Extreme Tony

Monday, February 19, 2007


I finally got back on my blogger! After 3 months! He he. Anyway during the time I have had a lot of things happening to me while I havent blogged like I have hated school more and more etc etc. Anyway I shall keep up to date with my blog (I hope)


Blogger Tony said...

I am sorry about not posting anything for 5 months

Roz smells :D

11:45 AM  
Blogger Roz Lynch said...

lol...yes I do smell...of cheese and marmite and old stripey socks....

but onto more important things...welcome back to the blog world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

looking forward to hearing more...like about your stories...and your haircut (which Brittany Spears copied) and all the embarrassing secrets of ur brother's...you can tell us...we won't tell anyone...jus joking of course we will tell everyone!!!!!!!

4:16 PM  

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